What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given in your career and why?
Be respectful and helpful towards everyone and they will in-turn be there for you in times of need.
Who is your role model and how have they influenced you in your work?
I have taken influences from many people throughout my career, but Tom Kerridge would be the most significant. He has shown me that through hard work you can be highly successful and a good human being at the same time.
What ingredient can you not live without and why?
Salt. It can turn something as humble as the potato into something amazing, or turn a simple pork leg into a truly complex and deep flavoured ham. If it had not yet been discovered it would be considered magic. It is the single most important ingredient in cooking.
What item, apart from your passport, can you not travel without?
Although this is probably the obvious modern response… my phone. Not only is it my phone, but it is also my diary, my camera, my map (trust me I need one!), my music and most importantly my alarm!
Where is your favourite place to eat in London?
What do you like the most about your favourite London restaurant?
The quality of food and service in such an informal environment. You could go there for a quick casual lunch or a special occasion.
What do you like to do on a day off?
Having just had a baby arrive, either changing nappies, making stupid animal noises or cooking for my wife (who is too tired/has no time to cook when I’m not there!)
Apart from food, what are your biggest passions?
I like watching movies/box sets and I am a fan of all sports (indomitable Gooner!).
If you could choose anyone from today or history, who would be your ideal dinner party guest and why?
Churchill, as not only would he be fascinating company but the whisky and cigars would be in full flow too!