What can you tell us about the StrengthBox class at BXR Canary Wharf?
The StrengthBox class is the latest class concept to launch at BXR Canary Wharf this month. The programming will be based on science principles, merging the core pillars of strength and boxing training into one.
As someone who used to work in finance, how important would you say it is for people in high-pressure jobs to make time to exercise?
Prioritising exercise is crucial for everyone, especially those who have high-pressure and stressful roles. Routine, endorphins and a sense of achievement shouldn’t be underestimated in setting you up for a productive day. Sweat by BXR recently launched lunchtime classes for a 30-minute workout to help those who are looking for time efficiency.
How important is exercise for general wellbeing?
Movement carries mental and physical health benefits that will not only improve your quality of life, but can vastly improve work productivity and relationship success. Our Strength and Conditioning class at BXR encourages these thoughtful movements, too.
In your opinion, what is the best way to start the day?
Drinking water as soon as you wake up is an important way to refresh and start the day, especially as you’ve been without water overnight. I pack everything I need for the day the night before to save being frantic in the morning and write down what I need to do on paper to stay away from my phone for at least 30 minutes in the morning.
What are you grateful for?
Life, family, amazing friends and opportunities I’ve had professionally. [Fearon played a Death Eater in Harry Potter.]
Where is your favourite place to relax and why?
In the summer, outdoors by the canal in East London. In winter, on my sofa with a TV series on.
What is the most inspiring thing anyone has ever said to you?
“You can do anything you want Courts, all you need is practice.”
What are your top tips for maintaining a good work/life balance?
If you’re self-employed, make sure you commit to taking time off and getting some breaks away in the diary.
Also, as a coach, I find I often put clients’ needs first and don’t get to follow an ideal training structure for myself. One way I’ve got round this more recently is I’ve made myself a client profile and I programme and schedule in a PT session for me, by me.

What’s your favourite song to work out to?
This changes daily and also depends on what I’m doing. My current vibe is Get Wild by Kano ft Aidonia + Wiley.
Do you have any secret life-hacks?
Take 10 seconds to breathe and never respond when emotions are high.
What is your ideal post-workout meal?
I am a pasta lover so a spaghetti bolognese made with turkey mince is the dream dish post-workout.
What advice would you give someone to motivate them to move more?
It can be anything! It doesn’t have to look like a gym workout or a run; it can be a walk, an activity, gardening, anything. Just do something even mildly active you love and take it from there.
If you could train anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
I would love to go and train in Thailand, trying the latest fitness trends and discovering the country with long walks.
If you could train with anyone (from today or history), who would you choose and why?
Michael Johnson [former Olympic sprinter] because he is a total legend and he definitely had some secret sauce to his training and mindset.
StrengthBox at Sweat by BXR Canary Wharf, classes from £25; to book, visit sweatbybxr.com