Camaro no more?

General Motors plans to end Chevrolet Camaro production, but this might not be the end of the Camaro's story

Motoring 14 Jun 2023

Chevrolet Camaro

Chevrolet Camaro

A chapter is closing on one of America’s good ’ole muscle cars. Possibly. Chevrolet has announced plans to retire its ageing war horse, Camaro, after the 2024 model year. Yet, as global VP Scott Bell declared: ‘While we are not announcing an immediate successor today, rest assured, this is not the end of Camaro’s story.’ Expect some potent collectors’ editions to close out production, before the Camaro maybe rises, phoenix-like, as an all-electric family SUV à la the Ford Mustang. Don’t bet against it, even though the purists will be furious.